Thursday, July 26, 2007

:: BlogReview :: Crazy Canucks / Travel

Why Canucks? I initially thought Canucks was the author's (Matt & Isabel's) last name, but a quick search in the web revealed that it's actually an "often offensive slang" word that refers to a French Canadian.

Well, far from offensive is their blog. It's rather a feast to the eyes, and has often served as my escapism tool on days when I need escaping.

I'm one of those people whose dream is to live in a beautiful island, who somewhat could make a living while watching the world goes by from my beautiful house with beautiful garden. And while my real life is still far from that dream, a little eye candy certainly couldn't hurt ...

What I love about the pictures collections of this couple is how "natural" they feel to me. If you read their short biography, you'll find out that they are just a couple who are looking for new challenges by traveling the world. Not a couple of professional photographers snapping shots for money, though I'd say that they'll do very well doing that. (For goodness' sake, they made a monk's rob draped on a window to air-dry looked majestic!)

Because of this believeable quality about this couple, their snapshots feel real. From the grandiose of the Angkor Wat to the lowliness of a poor Laos dwelling ... In every picture I feel as if I were really there, with first hand experience on everything.

And I love the fact that they have 50 pages of stories and pictures from their travel around the world, from North America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australasia, and back to North America. They've literally been everywhere. And how thankful I am that they took me along in their adventure.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

:: FoodReview :: Ruth's Chris ::

Ruth's Chris Steak House
727 Pine Street
Seattle, WA 98101

Ruth's Chris' happy hour food, to me, were somewhat predictable: classy and pricey, just like the first impression I got from the restaurant's elegant setting. But sometimes ... luxury is necessity, no? A little luxury once in a while reminds you that you don't have to walk through life in such a hurry all the time, but instead you've got to slow down, and take time enjoying life's adventure.

Well, we certainly enjoyed our happy hour session at Ruth's Chris! The Crabtinis (crabmeat with vinaigrette and remoulade sauce served on a martini glass, thus the name Crabtinis) was very smooth and unexpectedly light, given that there was actually some mayonnaise action going on in the dish. Served almost ice-cold, the Crabtinis felt refreshing yet flavorful.

The Seared Ahi Tuna, which pictured above as entree, was also quite superb. (The happy hour seared tuna actually consists of four-five slices of tuna). The fish's gentle texture was enhanced nicely by a zesty sauce made of ginger, mustard and beer. The overall dish, complimented with some julienne carrot-cucumber salad and pickled ginger, was so good that at the end, the lemon skin was the only thing left in my plate.

On the other hand, the burger was dry and under-seasoned that some fast food joints, hands down, make much more superior burgers than this. At the time of this writing, I checked Ruth's Chris website and lo and behold, the burger is no longer on the happy hour menu. I can say they've tried their own burger there.

For me, though, the ambiance that I felt in this place was almost worth having the bad burger. I'd certainly come back to this place again, especially now that the bad burger is off the menu.

© 2007

:: BookReview :: Starting from Scratch ::

Secrets from 21 Ordinary People who Made the Entrepreneurial Leap

Wes Moss/Kaplan Publishing

This is an inspirational book for those of you who despise the 8-5 schedule of regular work day, looking forward to be your own boss someday, writing your own paycheck ... and yet don't quite know where to start.

The author, Wes Moss (you might remember him as one of the candidates of NBC's The Apprentice) had done a great job compiling the stories of regular people who dared leaving their corporate jobs behind to start their own businesses.

The similarity that Moss found as the keys to their success is what he calls HUNT. They:
- Harnessed what they have,
- Underestimated their obstacles,
- Noticed their network, and
- Take the first step.

From the story of a lawyer who found joy in baking and selling cake, a paralegal with a love for yoga who ended up developing a brand around her yoga studio, a saleswomen who had the time of her life selling shoes in her own upscale boutique, you'll sure to find inspirations from each one of these stories. Let the HUNT begin!

© 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

:: FoodReview :: Cascadia ::

2328 1st Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 448-8884


The word "Cascadia" in wikiality (the truth according to Wikipedia) means the ecological and climatic region of certain part of North America. But if you ask me, Cascadia means one scrumptious happy hour experience. Here I'm talking about Cascadia Restaurant on 2328 First Avenue, an intriguing restaurant cramped in between many small boutiques and eateries that flourish in downtown Seattle area.

Cascadia's signature happy hour menu - the mini burgers, about 3 inches each in width and height - were as cute as the whimsical Krabby Patties of Spongebob Squarepants. The burgers came with usual burger condiments of pickles, lettuce and tomatoes; all cutely sized and neatly organized in one plate. Just as Spongebob loves Krabby Patty, we loved Cascadia's beef burger, which was delicious and bursted out with flavor, thanks to the perfectly cooked, juicy patties!

Cascadia offers three mini burgers selection (beef burger - $1, cheeseburger - $1.50, salmon burger - $2), and our least favorite were the salmon burgers, which lacked the flavor punch of its beef counterpart. I think that is simply wrong because salmon in itself already has a rich flavor profile to begin with!

We also tried an order each of calamari and french fries, which we weren't crazy about. The calamari was very small in portion and the french fries too dry to my liking. In the end, none of us cared enough to finish either one of the orders. But despite the gloomy fries and calamari, the succulent beef burger would certainly have me come back to Cascadia again anytime (if only I'm not too busy reviewing other happy hour places, that is!)

© 2007